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Third Text: Art and Immigration

Journal relating to a publication, 1991
Published by: Third Text
Year published: 1991

image of Third Text: Art and Immigration

Slightly smaller than A4 portrait softcover journal/monochrome type and images with blue and red text on the cover/journal produced around contemporary issues in art.

Title: Third Text: Art and Immigration, Special Issue
Source: Third Text, Third world perspectives on contemporary art and culture, issue 15, Summer 1991
Published: Kala Press, typeset by Emset, London. © 1991 Third Text
Editor: Rasheed Araeen; Associate Editor: Jean Fisher; Editorial Assistants: Tony Fisher, Nikos Papastergiadis

From the editorial “ This special issue comprises papers from the conference ‘British Art In A Century of Immigration’ which was organised by Lynda Checketts in Norwich on 15-16 March 1991. To coincide with the conference, Checketts also organised an exhibition, curated by Eddie Chambers, History and Identity, representing a selection of contemporary young black artists. The essays trace the trajectory and comment on the implications of various migrations in recent British history: those migrations that followed the Jewish pogroms and rise of fascism in Northern and Eastern Europe during the early decades of the 20th Century; and the post - 1945 migration of peoples from African, Caribbean and Asian countries that had been under British colonial rule.”

Lynda Checketts: British Art in a Century of Immigration: Introduction - 5
Monica Bohm-Duchen: The Stranger within the Gates - 11
Rasheed Araeen: The Other Immigrant: The Experiences & Achievements of AfroAsian Artists in the Metropolis - 17
Juliet Steyn: Mods, Yids and Foreigners - 29
Willi Guttsman: The influence & Failure of Weimer Radicalism in Emigré Art in Britain - 39
Cordula Frowein: German Artists in War-Time Britain - 47
Elizabeth Shaw: Radical Emigré Artists and Their Return to DDR - 57
Eddie Chambers: History & Identity - 63
Gilane Tawadros: Black Women in Britain: A Personal & Intellectual Journey - 71
Sarat Maharaj: The Congo is Flooding the Acropolis: Art in Britain of the Immigration - 77
Eddie Chambers: Black Art Now - 91

Related people

»  Rasheed Araeen

Born, 1935 in Karachi, Pakistan

»  Eddie Chambers

Born, 1960 in Wolverhampton, England

»  Jean Fisher

Born, 1962 in USA

»  Sarat Maharaj (Professor)

Born, 1951 in South Africa

»  Gilane Tawadros

Born, 1959

Related exhibitions

Related venues

»  Lincolnshire College of Art and Design

Lincoln, United Kingdom

»  Norwich Gallery

Norwich, United Kingdom