Journal relating to a publication, 1991
Published by: Third Text
Year published: 1991
Slightly smaller than A4 portrait softcover journal/monochrome type and images with blue and red text on the cover/journal produced around contemporary issues in art.
Title: Third Text: Art and Immigration, Special Issue
Source: Third Text, Third world perspectives on contemporary art and culture, issue 15, Summer 1991
Published: Kala Press, typeset by Emset, London. © 1991 Third Text
Editor: Rasheed Araeen; Associate Editor: Jean Fisher; Editorial Assistants: Tony Fisher, Nikos Papastergiadis
From the editorial “ This special issue comprises papers from the conference ‘British Art In A Century of Immigration’ which was organised by Lynda Checketts in Norwich on 15-16 March 1991. To coincide with the conference, Checketts also organised an exhibition, curated by Eddie Chambers, History and Identity, representing a selection of contemporary young black artists. The essays trace the trajectory and comment on the implications of various migrations in recent British history: those migrations that followed the Jewish pogroms and rise of fascism in Northern and Eastern Europe during the early decades of the 20th Century; and the post - 1945 migration of peoples from African, Caribbean and Asian countries that had been under British colonial rule.”
Lynda Checketts: British Art in a Century of Immigration: Introduction - 5
Monica Bohm-Duchen: The Stranger within the Gates - 11
Rasheed Araeen: The Other Immigrant: The Experiences & Achievements of AfroAsian Artists in the Metropolis - 17
Juliet Steyn: Mods, Yids and Foreigners - 29
Willi Guttsman: The influence & Failure of Weimer Radicalism in Emigré Art in Britain - 39
Cordula Frowein: German Artists in War-Time Britain - 47
Elizabeth Shaw: Radical Emigré Artists and Their Return to DDR - 57
Eddie Chambers: History & Identity - 63
Gilane Tawadros: Black Women in Britain: A Personal & Intellectual Journey - 71
Sarat Maharaj: The Congo is Flooding the Acropolis: Art in Britain of the Immigration - 77
Eddie Chambers: Black Art Now - 91
Born, 1935 in Karachi, Pakistan
Born, 1960 in Wolverhampton, England
Born, 1962 in USA
Born, 1951 in South Africa
Born, 1959
Group show at Norwich Gallery, Lincolnshire College of Art and Design. 1991
Lincoln, United Kingdom
Norwich, United Kingdom