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9 Night in Eldorado - catalogue

Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 1997
Published by: South London Gallery
Year published: 1997

image of 9 Night in Eldorado - catalogue

Exhibition catalogue for 9 Night in Eldorado, at South London Gallery. Solo exhibition by Donald Rodney.

Ten sided catalogue, on board, featuring assorted collages and reproductions of work relating to the exhibition, plus assorted texts, mainly on the exhibition and the artist, written by a range of people, including Edgar Allan Poe, Diane Symons, Virginia Nimarkoh, David Thorp, Keith Piper, Elizabeth A Macgregor, Eddie Chambers, Jo Stockham, Lisa de Jonge, Kate Norrish, Catherine Yass, Carl Freedman, Dr H Hambley, Ice Cube, Richard Hylton, Caryl Phillips, Sonia Boyce, Jeremy Akerman, Sunil Gupta. Catalogue also contains extensive Artist’s Acknowledgments, plus the following dedication: “This work is a history, a remembrance, this work is for my mother, my father, my sisters and my brothers. This is for Harold George Rodney 1918 - 1995.”

Related people + view all 9

»  Jeremy Akerman

Born, 1966 in London, UK

»  Sunil Gupta

Born, 1953 in New Delhi, India

»  Richard Hylton

Born, 1967 in England

»  Virginia Nimarkoh

Born, 1967 in London, England

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»  South London Gallery

London, United Kingdom