Group show at Rochdale Art Gallery, Elbow Room. 1989
Date: 29 April, 1989 until 27 May, 1989
Curator: Maud Sulter
Organiser: Elbow Room/Rochdale Art Gallery
Group exhibition of black female artists - first shown at Elbow Room, London (12 - 23 March, 1989) then toured to Rochdale Art Gallery (dates shown). Exhibition incorporated film and documentary photography alongside gallery based works.
Brochure relating to an exhibition, 1989
Invite relating to an exhibition, 1989
Born, 1954 in Zanzibar, Tanzania
Born in USA, date unknown
Born, 1953 in Georgetown, Guyana
Born, 1966
Born, 1960 in Glasgow, Scotland. Died, 2008
London, United Kingdom
Rochdale, United Kingdom