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Festac ‘77

Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 1977
Published by: United Kingdom African Festival Trust - UKAFT, London
Year published: 1977
Number of pages: 30

image of Festac ‘77

Catalogue (A5, landscape) for Festac’77: The work of the artists from the United Kingdom and Ireland. Festac’77 was an international festival of arts and culture from the Black world and the African Diaspora. All of the artists were London-based: Winston Branch, Mercian Carrena, Uzo Egonu, Armet Francis, (Emmanuel) Taiwo Jegede, Neil Kenlock, Donald Locke, Cyprian Mandala, Ronald Moody, Ossie Murray, Sue Smock, Lance Watson and Aubrey Williams. Introduction by Yinka Odunlami, Exhibition Officer of ‘UKAFT’ United Kingdom African Festival Trust, London. Extracts from Introduction (on pages 4/5) as follows:

“The works of artists from the United Kingdom and Ireland Zone who are represented in this exhibition as a substantial contribution to the 2nd World Black & African Festival of Arts and Culture are not just a collection of nostalgic frolic. They are an appreciation of artists originally from widely varying backgrounds; their present human, cultural and environmental conditions focus on the direction of their future development. The concept of Black Art in this exhibition, whilst insisting on the unique contribution of traditional African Art to the general scene, is also committed to the projection of a new image based on the understanding of a common humanity, hope and struggle of people everywhere. It would therefore be wrong to brand this theme racial.” (This quote, page 4)

Illustrated with portraits of the artists, plus monochrome reproductions of work throughout - 30 pages

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»  Mercian Carrena

Born, 1937

»  Neil Kenlock

Born in Port Antonio, Jamaica, date unknown

»  Ossie Murray

Born in Kingston, Jamaica, date unknown

»  Sue Jane M. Smock

Born, 1937 in New Orleans, Louisiana